Hi everyone - this will be my last posting from Italy as we leave Tellaro tomorrow to go to Milan to come home. It has been a great vacation.
We have had a busy couple of days. On Wednesday we drove to Porto Venterro, a coast town across the Gulf of Poets (or if you prefer Gulfo de Poeti) from Tellaro. It is the most touristy town we have been in but very pretty. Then in the afternoon, we looked at each other, walked back to the car and drove to Carrara to see the Marble Museum. You may remember the Carrara Marble was the marble of choice for Michelangelo and the quarry has been open since that time. Then yesterday, we took a boat ride (Jim complete with plenty of ginger pills) up the coast along the Cinque Terre. It was very pretty and we had a good time.
Today we need to tie up loose ends, pack and get ready to leave. I am looking forward to my own bed.
I won't be able to get to the library to send pictures so will do so from home. We have some great ones (or I should say, Jim took some great ones) and I will send them later. (American full sized key board - looking forward to that.)
Love ya
Mag & Jim